
We provide consulting services for meta-analysis.

Help in performing the analysis
Help in writing the paper
Review a paper you are planning to publish

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"(1) Working with your staff and the software itself made computer installation and start up incredibly easy. (2) Instructing my students (seniors in a capstone research intensive course) on how to use the software was also remarkably easy. They did far more with the software than I had expected and made some elegant looking figures for their senior presentations. (3) Meta‐analysis was a new technique for our whole department (PUI institution), and the oral presentations by my students using the CMA software and graphics impressed faculty immensely."

Susan B. Chaplin - Department of Biology, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN

"I used Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis (CMA) to help me analyze research questions of my dissertation. Without CMA, I won't be able to complete 'two folders' of analysis on time. I would also like to thank the team of CMA to help me make clear problems I encountered. My dissertation earned the annual dissertation award of my school. I would like to share this honor with the CMA and Dr. Borenstein, a humorous and sincere scholar."

Yueh‐Yen Fang, Ph.D., RN - Assistant Professor, Fooyin University, Taiwan

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Comprehensive Meta-Analysis

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Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) is a powerful computer program for meta-analysis. The program combines ease of use with a wide array of computational options and sophisticated graphics.