
We provide consulting services for meta-analysis.

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"As a behavioral scientist who is newly developing expertise in using meta‐analysis, I have found CMA to be an invaluable tool. It is user‐friendly, but avoids superficiality and provides me with all the necessary technical depth I need. I have found CMA to be an outstanding program."

James MacKillop

"Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis (CMA) is a must‐have tool for academic instructors, researchers, and statisticians alike. Developed by a strong team of highly recognized experts in the field, CMA meets all of your meta‐analysis needs and is easy to teach and easy to use. I would not attempt to ever conduct another meta‐analysis without using the CMA program, for the difference is between heaven and earth!"

Guili Zhang, Ph.D. - Asst. Professor of Research Methodology, Department of Curriculum and Instruction Editor, Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, Chair, American Educational Research Association Quantitative Dissertation Award Committee Project Director, IGERT Assessment Project, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC

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Comprehensive Meta-Analysis

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Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) is a powerful computer program for meta-analysis. The program combines ease of use with a wide array of computational options and sophisticated graphics.