
We provide consulting services for meta-analysis.

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"It is a pleasure to recommend Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis. It is dependable, educational and easy to use software that we use often for research and teaching. Using Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis is very helpful in my research. Moreover, I have become aware of several new procedures and caveats. Using the software is a beautiful way to understand and build skills and a great teaching tool. It should be used by any epidemiologist who is interested in meta‐analysis."

Shai Linn, MD, DrPH - Dean of the Faculty of Welfare and Health Sciences, University of Haifa

"I have used Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis II for the last 6 years to assist with a number of published meta‐analytic studies in the behavioral sciences. I have found the program to be flexible and powerful. I have also used CMA II in two graduate seminars focused on meta‐analysis. The students are able to learn the program quickly and appreciate how it structures their data sets and prevents some common mistakes made in meta‐analysis."

Alan J. Hawkins, Ph.D. - Professor of Family Life, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT

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Comprehensive Meta-Analysis

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Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) is a powerful computer program for meta-analysis. The program combines ease of use with a wide array of computational options and sophisticated graphics.