Teaching information for CMA

If you are interested in using CMA to teach a class in meta-analysis, please submit your e-mail here for more information.

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Please provide the university / organization, the approximate class size, and the course duration below.

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"I have used Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis software within a course on research methods for doctoral students in nursing. With only a 90‐minute introduction, students were ready to begin data entry and to conduct basic analyses. Both they and I were pleased with its intuitive interface and with the clarity of its output. Additionally, Biostat, Inc. has provided excellent support in our efforts to employ the software in a classroom setting."

Stephen J. Walsh, Sc.D. - Associate Professor School of Nursing, University of Connecticut

"I have been using Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis for more than 3 years and have finished a dozen metaanalysis with this software. The biggest advantage is easy to perform and manage the analysis. Studies can be added or removed from the analysis without modifying the data. There are a variety of effect size measures, including treatment difference, odds ratios, rate differences, correlations, etc. The diagnosis and transformation of the effect size is just one click away. The high‐quality forest plot and comprehensive meta‐regression distinguished this software from others."

Rong Zhou, PhD - Senior Biostatistician, Medpace. Cincinnati, Ohio