Teaching information for CMA

If you are interested in using CMA to teach a class in meta-analysis, please submit your e-mail here for more information.

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Please provide the university / organization, the approximate class size, and the course duration below.

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"Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis (CMA) is one of those rare tools in the research arsenal that does what it is purports to and makes both the process and output understandable. I have used CMA for seven years in my own meta‐analytic work and in EBP workshops and courses. The ease of learning the program application and the resulting output make for a wonderful data analysis and learning tool."

Chad Nye, PhD - Executive Director, University of Central Florida, Center for Autism & Related Disabilities, Orlando, FL

"I have the pleasure to use your software from 2004, and thanks to that, my group had the opportunity to explore many issues in clinical oncology. I am a doctor (not a statistician) and I have to say that the software is really simple (especially v. 2.0), fast‐to‐use, and really easy to understand for anyone who wants to use it. We currently prefer CMA 2.0 to other free software given the mentioned features. Actually, I have no drawbacks to stress, I am really friendly in using your software right now."

Emilio Bria