Teaching information for CMA

If you are interested in using CMA to teach a class in meta-analysis, please submit your e-mail here for more information.

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Please provide the university / organization, the approximate class size, and the course duration below.

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"I am impressed with the ease or simplicity of the Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis, not only in data entry but also the data generated. Unlike some of the free software available for meta‐analysis, I found the Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis user‐friendly, generating clear graphs and effect sizes. I took a long time to work out some of the free software available by some of my colleagues and found them very userunfriendly, confusing, and the graphs generated not easy on the eye. After chancing on Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis during a Google search and having a go at it during the free trial, I was keen to get my hands on it and have recommended it to some of colleagues. It is definitely worth getting it as it makes meta‐analysis non‐daunting and non‐scary especially for students pursuing their Masters or PhDs."

Li Whye Cindy, NG

"I used Comprehensive Meta‐Analysis (CMA) to help me analyze research questions of my dissertation. Without CMA, I won't be able to complete 'two folders' of analysis on time. I would also like to thank the team of CMA to help me make clear problems I encountered. My dissertation earned the annual dissertation award of my school. I would like to share this honor with the CMA and Dr. Borenstein, a humorous and sincere scholar."

Yueh‐Yen Fang, Ph.D., RN - Assistant Professor, Fooyin University, Taiwan